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Daughter, Sister, and Hero

Winnie came into this world kicking and screaming on April 17, 2015. She passed all current new born screening tests and she was sent home with her family. Around 9 months old, Winnie began missing milestones – she never pulled to stand and couldn’t bear weight on her legs. After months of genetic testing she was diagnosed with SMA Type II on November 30, 2016.

Winnie’s family knew they needed to find the best medical home for her and kept coming back to Nationwide Children’s SMA clinic while researching. They were able to get her into the clinic on January 4, 2017 just 9 days after the FDA approved the first ever treatment for SMA. Immediately the staff welcomed Winnie with open arms and always treats Winnie with such dignity and grace.

They helped us battle for the lifesaving medicine, Spinraza, and on March 15, 2017 Winnie was one of the first patients Dosed at Nationwide Children’s. Winnie will receive this medicine every 4 months for the rest of her life (via an injection in her spine) and comes in twice a year for 5 hour clinic visits. Winnie’s mom Ann,  “always leave so grateful to have the best medical care available for our girl and are forever thankful to Nationwide.”

Help us give more kids like Winnie the best medical care at Nationwide Children’s by making a donation here.