Thank you, Speedway!
This week our staff and miracle child, Aiden, attended the annual Speedway Golf Outing in Dayton, OH. Despite the high temps, we had a great time and raised lots of money for children’s hospitals! And this came on the heels of a Focus Friday where all of the Columbus area stores asked for round-up donations for Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
Aiden is one of our miracle kids for the Columbus market this year. He is a pretty amazing kid. Aiden is seen by specialists at Nationwide Children’s Hospital for Autism. Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, which is characterized by difficult in communication, forming relationships and in using language and abstract concepts. It affects 1 in 68 children in the United States, but despite that prevalence, much is misunderstood about autism.
Despite the big crowds, Aiden did an amazing job at the Speedway event. In typical Miracle Child fashion, he found his own unique ways to interact with everyone. Instead of giving the golfers high five, Aiden held a sign to thank them and wish them good luck! And instead of approaching strangers to ask for donations for the ball drop, he and Andy approached golfers with insider tips for their hole…for a donation, of course! And actually, the golfers who paid for the tip got closer to the hole!
Aiden got to meet Miss America, the Dr. Pepper guy from the commercials, and most importantly, his Miracle Vendor, US Tank Alliance. Thank you to the Crosa family for making this event so special for Aiden and his family. And thank you and our wonderful friends at Speedway, for helping kids like Aiden, just be kids.