National Zipper Day
Do you have any zippers? Not the kind that closes up a jacket but the kind that our Patient Champion Millie has. “If you have a zipper, it means you had surgery, like I did on my heart. And zippers mean you’re a brave kid, and everyone can see how brave you are!” In her five short years, Millie has had a surgery every year of her life due to the complications of her Distal Arthrogryposis Type 1 disease. This disease cause her to have several physical challenges such as bilateral club feet and hands, congenital heart defects, swallowing issues and delayed gross and fine motor development.
This past March, Millie had surgery number 5 and received another “zipper” on her foot. Lucky for her and others, Nationwide Children’s Hospital has an outstanding Heart Center as well as an Orthopedics team that specializes in treating all of Millie’s needs.
Today Millie loves to run and hop, sing songs that she has made up and show off her “zippers” from where the doctors worked their magic. Despite her many trials and “zippers”, Millie’s determination will push her through and allow her to be the beautiful, brave princess she deserves to be.
Give today and help kids like Millie and others at Nationwide Children’s Hospital who may have “zippers” of their own.