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Our CMN Hospitals Patient Champions!

In 2016, our team had 4 CMN Hospital patient champions to attend corporate campaign kick offs and community events. These patient champions are children who have been treated at Nationwide Children’s and have decided to share their story and diagnosis publicly to raise awareness. Earlier this month we had a fun event to thank our 2016 Patient Champions! Thank you Jermaine (left), Makaila (left lenter), James (right center), and Olivia (right) for all your hard work this year!

As we said goodbye to our amazing 2016 Patient Champions, we welcomed a new group of 4 kids to join our CMN team for 2017. We just had our photo shoot to capture some fun pictures of the kids. We thank Arjun (left) and Millie (right) for being super heros and showing the other kids treated at NCH how strong they can be!